
AMERICA -- We are no Longer Honorable

AMERICA, as the Sioux medicine man Good Horse Nation says, must wake up. To do that, America will have to suffer a most difficult weaning from what is false and destructive about the American Dream.

And when we wake up we will realize that these bereft beings (the power elite) are running the political and fiancial centers of the world, and that no mere human effort will be able to correct this injustice. This is why Divine intervention will be needed; otherwise everyone and everything would be detroyed. Hyperbole? No--simple and honest logic. If nations had nuclear weapons when Rome fell,none of us would be here today to discuss the horrific situation we've gotten ourselves into. Do we really think that when things start to turn sour for our world that force will not be seen as the answer? Does anyone look upon the world scene and not see the progresive danger we are in? America suddenly is the bully of the world using its military might in an agressive, self-serving way rather than as a defensive stronghold of peace. We have lost all respect and goodwill in the eyes of the world's nations. They will accept our money but no longer look to us as a moral force in the world. And yet Americans notice nothing, as long as material goods keep flowing. We have ceased to use our minds to think for ourselves, our opinions are those of the first news report. We take our media and information sources at face value.
Where is the thirst for truth? The prophets have said, "our people are stupid." We see only what we want to see. Our own leaders prepare before us the rudiments for potential exportation of weapons technology to an entire world? When did it become acceptable to export destruction so that our richest people can become richer? Is this acceptable? What do we do? What do we say? The answer is a resounding nothing. History and God will hold America accountable for the deaths of tens of millions of lives. But as long as we still have our cozy lives and our wants fulfilled - we see nothing! And so, not until our toys and possessions are taken away from us will anybody notice that there are a lot of bully's that have moved onto the block. Then will America cry and then will America open her glazed-over eyes. And so, we will finally realize that which we have had ample opportunity to understand; Man needs God to guide his steps! By himself he is a miserable and obvious failure.
(Excerpts from "The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand by Dr. Edmund Roache) Purchase by clicking right of page or order from


Anonymous said...

There are many who know the truth but have no power. I have read much about this period in history and the more I learn the more I truly believe that there indeed is true prophecy. It it "out there" for us to find and acknowledge. More of this kind of information is important to share. John in Midland

Anonymous said...

I agree with John. I also believe that true prophecy will take hold. People have to seek it out. There are a number of scholars who recently have been quoting biblical prophecy from the Old Testament. After all, the Old Testament is full of great prophets. Have we forgotten them?
Yes! I predict the time will soon come when the world will no longer see through "rose colored glasses'.

Anonymous said...

I support we are no longer "honorable" considering
the fact that people making decisions for us do not seem honorable and the ones in a position of some power are no longer heard. The press is not interested in much of anything these days but war and hollywood reporting. What a bloody shame. And here we, the American people sit, not have a clue what we can do. It's so out of control we have lost what people power we have left. There are not enough of us to make a show of it. To shame!
Arron, Iowa

Anonymous said...

Roache's book is important! People choose to see what they want to see. It is difficult for them to imagine their own country self distruct. My guess is if they knew the why of it they make see the light.Time to stop the "I'm special" attitude. Time to rethink the way we view the world and ourselves. We are as risk -- no question about it. JW, TN

Anonymous said...

We are at risk is right! How about grassroots up! John, MN

Anonymous said...

If you don't know where you came from and where you're going, read this book! Roger, SF, CA

Anonymous said...

Good Post! We are told what to think by the mass media. We have stopped thinking for ourselves because our minds are numb and atrophied. We "hear no evil, see no evil and do no evil". America, wake up! Turn off the TV and the experts Listen to your soul for a change. Victoria, Charleston

Anonymous said...

Thank you Victoria!

Anonymous said...

Is America so lost we cannot see the good that is happening across this country. I realize we have allowed our elected officials to do as they please and it disturbs me. I also see the greatness of communities across the country working to bring people together in areas of education, community development, and local issues that touch each of us. I witness, locally, much giving of self as well as financial support. Yet, I realize that the country, in general, needs to face up to the problems we face -- and they are serious. Allison, Jasper, TN

Anonymous said...

Seems to me we are being programmed without even knowing what's happening to us. Most do not see the root of the problems we face nor do they choose to recognize the possibility of a future with little, if any, "people power". People know something is very wrong society but simply do not know what to do.
Faye, Greenville, SC

Anonymous said...

Not sure about prophecy. There has been so much false information written about prophecy that I don't dare go there. If someone could convince me this book is any different, I might be intereted. Michael, NYC

Anonymous said...

Yes Michael, this book is different. Dr. Roache's approach is to provide an interpretation of the Old Testament Prophets, 1Enoch, Dead Sea Scrolls and the Urantia Book. What Roache found was that these interpretations are critical to understanding the times in which we live. When I first opened the book, I was not sure of its relevance. Following the second read, I could not believe the discovery I had made. I knew, without a doubt, that the age in which we live was prophesied many thousands of years ago and that humanity has a great role to play in its survival. What does this mean? It means we're living in a critical time in the history of this planet. We will destroy ourselves or we will grasp the significance of who we truly are and the work we must do to save ourselves and our world. For the serious reader, I recommend the book. A Believer from the great state of Utah

Anonymous said...

Thanks Utah!

Anonymous said...

Utah: I appreciate what you have written but doubtful that many will grasp the significance.
I noticed that, during the democratic debate last week, the subject of UFO's was brought up. Only one candidate showed any interest in the possibility of the existance of UFO's. Most laughed. The next day a number of well known people were interviewed on the subject. Not one would admit to believing that there could be something to a UFO presence.
Now, I ask the question -- how many people would admit to a belief in prophets, even though they have heard of such great human beings all thier lives? Put bluntly, it takes courage and faith to believe in the unseen or unknowing. Most don't nor to they care to "go there". Too much to think about or care about. You see, Utah, we have chosen NOT TO THINK! Joseph

Anonymous said...

Hi Joseph: Interesting comments! I get your point and agree with you. JTM, NY

Anonymous said...

Hi guys: All we have to do is view the PBS Documentary of Pres. Carter to know what's going on in America's "home of the free, land of the brave". When a former President talks about entertaining the idea of moving to another country, we're in a hell of a mess. A Doc. worth watching.

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like the country is moving along just fine. The problem many have is to try to find some issue that, they believe, is driving us downward. Thank you, I'm fine and most people I know are too. Jason, MN

Anonymous said...

Good piece of work. I agree and appreciate knowing about Dr. Roache's book. MJW, Washington, DC